Join the growth!

For this performance to happen, two things has to be done with excellency: the products & the compensation plan.
doTERRA has performed in this and for this reason they grew constantly from the year of birth, in 2008.
Set your goal and move forward with a simple strategy in mind:
use the products,
share the benefits of the compensation plan,
follow a proven system of success.
Down below is the map of the Compensation Plan that is structured on 3 phases.
Depending on your rank titles you are entitled to get bigger commissions. The rank titles requirements are presented in the table bellow.
For each of these 3 phases you have some qualification requirements or conditions.
When you accomplish specific conditions you are entitled to get commissions on specific levels and also on specific generations according to what you read on the table of the Compensation Plan below.
On each of these phases you have some qualification requests or conditions. When you accomplish specific conditions you are entitled to get commissions on specific levels and also on specific generations (downline leaders’ group turnover) according to the Compensation Plan below.

Leadership pools are designed for leaders who create large organisations of people who use doTERRA products, sell this products and enroll new members who do the same. These commissions are calculated fairly and are directly proportional to the contribution to the company's total sales.

Any compensation plan is paying you based on the turnover of your downline team that you’ve generated all over the world. More about the doTERRA opportunity you can find when you connect with your upline team through the person listed below or by attending one of our team trainings called BUILDING BUSINESS EVENTS
Network Marketing 2.0 is the wise combination between the old school of "high touch" skills and the new age "high tech" advantages.
For this we recommend to follow the strategy of building your businessbased on the "vital signs”. The “vital signs” are the foundation of building a profitable and stable network, they are a kind of analytics for networkers that are tought and explained during our live or online training.
A short explanation of the “vital signs" is the following:
If you wanna grow there is only one way to grow: GROW FAST.
If you have to grow fast there is only one way to grow fast: THE EVENTS.
Big network marketing businesses belongs to those who promote the Events and down below you have the explanation why.
The more people you bring to the events, the more owners you create.
The more owner you create, the more presentations will be done within your organisation, especially when they use funnels like you do.
The more funnels you send, the more new people join.
The more people will join two things are multiplying: the turnover that generates more commissions and more new people attending the next event when it starts to roll again.
To be successful in this type of business you need to multiply within your circle of
friends and acquaintances your consumer habits and your business habits.
For you to duplicate it fast through their friends and acquaintances to the whole world you
need to create a few good behaviour habits that can be easily copied and multiplied.

This is a set of things that should become your new habit that will secure your future long term success.
1. Monthly purchase of a minimum of 50eur before the 25th of the month.
2. Send 5 funnels every day to targeted and also qualified prospects.
3. Attend all the Trainings & Seminars.
4. Be positive, solution oriented, thermostat.
5. Use the power of edification, counselling and being an authentic active teamplayer.

This is the strategy of building a team with an accelerated stable growth.
The goal is to secure your new enrolled member with another new enrolled in depth so that you will keep alive and well all your enrolled members.
Below your first Direct, sponsor another one and afterwards start the second team, where you do the same and afterwards start the 3rd team aso.

This is the strategy of building a team focused on the most important vital sign: THE SEMINARS.
You are 3 seminars away from a stable profitable business:
1st Seminar: You + 5 Directs
2nd Seminar: You + 5 Directs who have also 5 Directs
3rd Seminar: You + 5 Directs who have also 5 Directs which have all of them 5
The key to success is to get 5 Core people on board and to multiply 5 Core people in depth
by teaching them to follow your new good behaviour habits explained above.
Everyone can do it. You can do it too!
Click the button below and come to a seminar where you will be tought step by step how to achieve in only 3 consecutive trainings a stable $5,000 passive income from the comfort of your home or while travelling arround the world.
If you need more details regarding our Business Principles and Business Strategies you can attend for free our daily onlinen seminars on zoom. Schedule your next zoom by clicking the button below.

Nowadays your online automated marketing tools are far more important than your skills.
Your tools can be everywhere, speaking any language you want 24/7.
You don’t need a better product or a better compensation plan.
Automated webinar, Autoresponder, Bots for social media, Page builders or Funnel builders, Internet marketers to drive and optimize your social media campaign, all these tools in one place, affordable for you and your team.
You can have a network marketing network or even more that can be built simultaneously and all over the world almost automatically.
From now on you can reach your targeted audience with your offer and build relationships only with those who were looking for you and your product.
Today, the productivity of your automation and online marketing tools matters equal and sometimes even more than your networker skills.
If you want to know how to build a network marketing business in the digital age, click on the button below and join network marketing Version 2.0.